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General Hygiene


Hygiene is a set of practices performed for the preservation of health. Hygiene also affects your social life and how you feel about yourself. Good hygiene helps you to feel confident and healthy and can make interacting with others easier and more pleasant. This information is important to student and staff of FKE UiTM to prevent them from illness. If they are exposed to the disease, this will affect the quality of their work for the staff and for the students affect their learning in the faculty. Personal hygiene is the first step to good grooming and good health.


Personal Hygiene Routine


Here are some personal hygiene routine to do before going to work or class:


1) Mouth Care - Brushing your teeth at least twice a day, once in the morning and again before bed, is recommended

2) Nails - Short nails make less trouble. Clip nails short, along their shape. Don't cut them so close that it pinches the skin

3) Hand - Wash hands thoroughly with soap and water before and after every meal and after visiting the toilet.


To wash hand apply soap and use the following procedure to clean your hands thoroughly:















1) Rub palm to palm

2) Rub backs of both hands

3) Rub palm to palm with fingers

4) Rub backs of fingers (interlocked)

5) Rub all parts of both hands

6) Rub both palms with fingertips

7) Rinse hands under running water and dry thoroughly on clean towel.


Food Hygiene


Food hygiene is also important, FKE UiTM it has cafeterias at level (four) 4 and level (five) 5. With the information of food hygiene, students and staff can monitor the cleanliness of the cafeteria. Beside that, students and staff can choose to eat in the cafeteria, which is clean and comfortable. Below it show the several food hygiene and safety checklist:


a) Personal Hygiene Practices of Food-handlers:


i) Uniforms, aprons (or clothes) should be clean at the beginning of a work shift;

ii) Keep fingernails short and clean; 

iii) Avoid touching nose, mouth, hair and skin during food preparation;

iv) Do not cough or sneeze directly onto food. Wash hands after coughing or sneezing.


b) Food Preparation & Crockery:


i) No chipped crockery is spotted


ii) Proper storage of crockery in cabinets


iii) Food is defrosted under running water


iv) Food ready for serving is kept at 60°C or above or below 4°C


v) Cooked food is cooled in a manner free from obvious contamination and be stored in the fridge as soon as      possible


vi) Storage bins of raw materials (e.g. flour, sugar, sauces, etc.) and the ration store are kept in a clean and            hygienic state


vii) No pets are allowed


viii) No mixed storage of cleaning materials (e.g. bleach & detergent) with the food


ix) No evidence of flies or other pests are noticeable


x) Ice makers are in a clean and hygienic condition and the inside is free from dirt, scum or rust


xi) Ice bins are provided with lids


xii) Cleaning of the ice making machine is scheduled and carried out in accordance with the manufacturer's          recommendations.


In addition, it is important that staff maintain a high degree of personal hygiene with regard their personal habits. For example:


1) No smoking in food areas


2) Proper storage of crockery in cabinets


3) No strong smelling perfumes should be worn when handling foods


4) No nail varnish should be worn when handling food


5) No jewellery other than a plain wedding band or sleeper earrings should be worn.



Workplace Hygiene


Improving workplace hygiene can help prevent a variety of health problems, tips for good workplace hygiene is:


1) Wash your hands regularly with soap and water, or use a hand sanitizer


2) Stay at home if you are ill, so you do not spread it to other people


3) Cover your nose and mouth with a tissue when sneezing and coughing, then throw it in a bin and wash your hands


4) Try not to touch your eyes, nose or mouth, as viruses can transfer from your hands and into the body


5) Make sure shared cups, glasses, dishes and cutlery are clean before you use them. Wash them in soap and       water after use and dry thoroughly


6) Keep your workstation clean and clear of food debris.



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