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Fire Response


Legal Requirements


Major provisions are contained in the Fire Services Act 1988 and Fire Services Regulation 1995. Some fire precautions for factories are contained in the Factories and Machinery (Safety, Health and Welfare) Regulation, 1970:

1) Containers for volatile inflammable substances

2) Precaution against ignition

3) Precautions with regard to explosive or inflammable dust, fume or substance

4) Fire fighting appliances.


In case of fire,these are the procedures:



1) Activate the nearest fire alarm

2) Contact unit standby crisis UiTM Shah Alam ( 03-55444444 ), Shah Alam fire brigade (03-5519 4444) and Police Seksyen 6 Shah Alam ( 03-55194622 ) to report the fire within University Buildings

3) Provide the authorities with your name, location of emergency, telephone number from which you are calling from and the type of emergency (e.g., fire, medical, hazardous chemical spill) you are reporting.



1) Relocate to an assembly point Click Here follow the "Fire and Emergency Evacuation" signage available all over the faculty

2) Do NOT use elevators within the building as a means of escaping during a fire alarm activation or actual fire

3) If staff or students are unaccounted for, immediately notify a representative from the FKE fire warden or Head of fire safety programme Click Here

4) Do not re-enter the building until instructed to do so by a representative from one of the aforementioned agencies.


Flowchart of Fire Response, Click Here.



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No. Tel: 03-5543 5027 

No. Fax : 03-5543 5077

Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Engineering Complex, Universiti Teknologi MARA,

40450 Shah Alam, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia.

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