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Coping With Difficult Problems


At time, you will need to use your human relations skills to deal with employees special problems that affect their job performance and relationships with other workers.


As a leader, you should be alert to when these problems are temporary and can be handled on the job and when they are more serious, requiring stronger measures. Your concern is not to diagnose employees condition nor to try straightening out their private affairs or personality problems. Any attempt to do so on your part could cause more harm than good.


Your primary concern is the safety and productivity of your workers. If an employee exhibits antisocial behavior and interrupts the work group, he or she should be referred to the human resource department for help. Some of the problems employees experience could be caused by their resistance to change, personal circumstances, a change in work conditions, or job-related or personal stress.


Alcohol And Drug Problems

Employee alcoholism and drug abuse cost industry millions of dollars each year. These problems are often the causes behind lowered productivity, increased absenteeism, inefficiency, increased employee turnover, increased injury rates, and incidents arising from behavioral problems

Employees with an alcohol or drug problem usually have a high absentee rate and frequently engage in unsafe work practices. Their conduct can be disruptive and demoralizing to others and can lead to excessive turnover. As a leader, your job is to recognize these problems and take steps to deal with them.


Employee Assistance Programmes

Employee assistance programmes (EAP) are being implemented by enlightened management to help employees with alcohol, drug, and other behavioral or stress-related problems that interfere with job performance. Programmes of this type enable UiTM to retain valued employees has a serious problem that needs immediate attention. For more information on these program Click Here.



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